Katie Price (a.k.a Jordon) married Alex Reid in Las Vegas yesterday. The pair, who’ve been dating for seven months, tied the knot in a “simple, private” ceremony and surprisingly enough, there was no magazine deal involved! A spokesman for the couple stated “Their decision to marry has not been made with any pre-conceived commercial plan or media deal in place, and their reason for getting married is purely down to their love for each other”, which is fair enough, but how long will it be until Price and her PR team sit down and start putting their commercial and media plan in to place, if they haven’t already done so!
Reid was voted the winner of Celebrity Big Brother last Friday. When entering the Big Brother house he was booed, but came out to a rapturous reception after winning the show, having turning around the public’s negative depiction of him. But what if he didn’t win and he came out of the experience still portrayed in a bad light, would Price have married him, would she still be with him! Personally, somehow I don’t think so...she is a very clever character at grabbing any opportunity and trying to put a positive spin on it, though she still seems to be faltering since her high profile divorce with former husband Peter Andre last year. When I say faltering, by no means on the financial side of things, more in terms of her public image.
In November, Price, 31, revealed during a live interview on reality TV show I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! (Cha-Ching £££) that she had split up with Reid. She said at the time: "It's best that I'm on my own. I don't want a relationship... I'm not with him, no."
Price went onto to apologise for her behaviour since her break-up with Andre, saying she had "acted like a right twit". Does acting like a “right twit” include getting together with Reid! The reason she went onto I’m A Celebrity was to regain her popularity (whilst earning a few bob!) after breaking up with Andre, however after that failed she went on to dump Reid live on national television as a last resort to try and somewhat salvage her way back into the public’s good books.
Yet, more or less two months down the line the pair have wedded. In a magazine interview last week (Cha-Ching £££) Price revealed that "This year I will marry Alex and I'm going to have his kids" and no doubt she will be laughing all the way to the bank with the commercial and media deals heading their way after Reid’s new found fame.
I’m not knocking the girl as I know for sure that she can’t be as bad a person the media makes her out to be, but she certainly knows how to make the most of a money seizing opportunity when it comes her way and as a result at times doesn’t do herself any favours. After Price and Reid’s “quickie” wedding, bookies are already setting odds on when they split. William Hill is taking bets at 10/1 that the happy couple will officially announce their separation by the end of the month and if they make it to March, the odds lengthen to 12/1.
Oh... and have I mentioned that I wish the newlywed couple all the best for the future!
Nav, I think you might have got your facts wrong here, there most definitely was a magazine deal in place for the "wedding" of Katie Price and Alex Reid, and surprise, surprise, the whole farce was also captured on cameras for their ITV show. So when Katie declares it was out of love that they wed, and nothing to do with the media attention and the money they can make out of it, it is only natural that we are slightly cynical. It's quite sad really, to crave money and the limelight that much that even a scared, precious act as marriage means nothing to these people. I used to respect Katie somewhat for her shrew business sense and her ability to manipulate the media for her benefit, but now I just feel sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteBy Katie Price marrying Alex Reid, it will do her a lot of favours in changing the publics opinion of her. Alex managed to turn the public around and get them on his side and Katie is probably thinking that Alex's fans will now become her fans.
ReplyDeleteGoing on Celebrity Big Brother has done Alex a world of good as he has shown the public what he is really like. Before watching the programme I didn't like him much, but since watching it I've realised how much of a nice guy he is.
Reality tv shows are a great way for celebrities to gain publicity and change the publics opinion of them, especially when they are being battered by the press and the public. What Alex has acheived will encourage a lot of other celebrities to go on reality tv shows.
Alex Reid has done a great job in turning around public opinion, showing that reality TV shows can be a chance for celebrities to reflect a true portrayal of themselves. This goes to show how the media can scrutinise people such as Alex Reid without having a clue what they are really like!